This section explains the installation process. Follow the instructions step-by-step.
◾ Install rlib
Go to and download the latest version of rlib.
Extract the downloaded zip to your computer
Create a new folder on your gmod server called rlib
Example: garrysmod/addons/rlib/
Upload the extracted rlib zip files to the newly created folder.
Ensure you are uploading the files to match the following file structure:
📁 garrysmod 📁 addons 📁 rlib 📁 lua 📁 materials 📁 resource
WARNING: Downloading the rlib zip will automatically place it inside a folder called im-richard-XXXXXX. Make sure that you do not place the lua, material, and resource folders too deep in multiple folders.
Correct: 📁 addons/rlib/lua Incorrect: 📁 addons/rlib/im-richard-xxxxxx/lua
Restart the server
As the server restarts, view the console for errors.
If you see errors, contact the developer with a list of them.
If you do not see errors, proceed forward
Connect to your gmod server and spawn in.
Make sure you have superadmin access on the server. If you are using an admin mod; do one of the following sub-points below:
ULX: In server console; type
ulx adduser yourname superadmin
SAM: In server console; type
sam giverank yourname superadmin
SGUARD: In server console; type
serverguard_setrank yourname superadmin
Once you have superadmin; type
in chat.You have completed the setup. Proceed to the Install Addon section below.
◾ Install addon
Go to and download a fresh copy of your purchased script.
Extract the download zip to your computer
Create a new folder on your gmod server called the name of the addon
Make sure the folder name contains NO SPACES, NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS, and NO CAPS
Example: garrysmod/addons/arivia
Upload the extracted addon files to the newly created folder
Ensure you are uploading the files to match the following file structure:
📁 garrysmod 📁 addons 📁 arivia 📁 lua 📁 materials 📁 resource
Restart the server
As the server restarts, view the console for errors.
If you see errors, view Script Throwing Errors
If you do not see errors, proceed forward
Try to activate your addon.
View Binds page for list of methods available for this script.
If you see the script actively working, then you are finished with the setup.
◾ What's Next?
Want to subscribe to this addon's steam workshop collection? Visit the Workshop page.
Curious about the /docs/web folder provided in your zip? Visit the Web part of this guide.
Last updated