This is a detailed changelog for the specified release above.

◾ Overview

  • [ + ] added ability to use materials for background / wallpaper

  • [ + ] added new scrollbar to main job/item list and descriptions

  • [ ^ ] large number of edits for optimization

  • [ ^ ] revised config settings into tables

  • [ ^ ] custom description system

  • [ ^ ] updated colors and layout for staff list feature

  • [ ^ ] staff listing usergroups use new structure (see config for details)

  • [ ^ ] config files migrated to new dedicated folder: lua\arivia\sh\cfg

  • [ ^ ] tabs migrated to new dedicated folder: lua\arivia\cl\tabs

  • [ ^ ] circles on right of each slot no longer drawn using surface.DrawPoly. now using library.

  • [ ^ ] updated autoloader and file loading

  • [ ^ ] updated certain fonts to be more easily read

  • [ % ] fixed issue with startExpanded not working for some people

  • [ % ] fixed certain characters causing descriptions to be cut short

◾ Support for Materials as Wallpapers

Server owners can now specify materials for their interface background. By default, this script uses a DHTML panel to load wallpapers from external websites. The issue with this is that it can sometimes make the interface take a second or two longer to actually load.

By using materials; it can make load times significantly less; however, this requires the server owner to upload the desired materials to a Steam Workshop collection and call the image within the config:

cfg.bg.material.enabled     = true
cfg.bg.material.list        =
cfg.bg.material.clr         = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 )

If you decide to enable material wallpapers; it is HIGHLY recommended that you disable the other wallpaper settings for loading external images; otherwise load-times will be equally as bad:

cfg.bg.static.enabled     = false
cfg.bg.live.enabled       = false

In order to create a Steam Workshop collection; you must utilize a tool such as GMPU (Garry's Mod Publishing Utility) which can be downloaded here:

◾ Updated Custom Description System

Entity descriptions can be found in lua\arivia\sh\cfg\sh_cfg_entities.lua

When adding new descriptions for entities; ensure that you've first enabled the feature:

cfg.ent.bAllowCustomDesc = true

Each description needs to be assigned to a specific entity name.

cfg.ent.desc[ 'pistol' ]                = 'Ammunition for a pistol.'
cfg.ent.desc[ 'smg1' ]                  = 'Ammunition for a rifle or SMG.'
cfg.ent.desc[ 'buckshot' ]              = 'Ammunition for a shotgun.'
cfg.ent.desc[ 'ar2' ]                   = 'Ammunition for an AR.'

To define an entity; open the Q (gmodmenu), find the entity you wish to add, right click, and select "Copy to Clipboard".

Selecting the P228 for example, copies the text weapon_p2282 to your clipboard. Add a new entity using this name.

cfg.ent.desc[ 'weapon_p2282' ]      = 'A nice handgun'

Save your changes. The F4 menu description may not update until you select another item first, and then re-select the item you have modified; so that the info for that entity refreshes.

◾ Updated Scrollbar

The original scrollbar included with Arivia was a basic scrollbar with a blue color. The main issue with it was how thick it was compared to modern scrollbars. New scrollbar now modern, also has "elastic" effect to it when scrolling to end of a panel.

◾ Revised config file structure

Configuration files now located in sh/cfg/ subfolder.

◾ Slot circles optimized

Originally, circles on the right of each item slot used a glua method called surface.DrawPoly; which was not optimized, especially for items that displayed in several different locations at a time.

A custom library has been used to replace the stock Garry's Mod library; which draws circles once and does not need to constantly keep them generated in a paint hook.

Last updated